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Dornheim DICOM Viewer Free

For your DICOM data: The Dornheim DICOM Viewer not only shows the layered 2D images but stands for a 3D experience of the human body.
Download it for free now!
Windows (64 bit)
Linux (64 bit)
By downloading the installation file, you accept the terms and conditions and the terms of use.
For the first steps, the manual for the Dornheim Segmenter Modeler is available. These are identical to the first steps with the DICOM Viewer.
- System: Windows (at least Win 10), Mac (at least MacOS X 10.9), Linux (OpenSuse 15.0 and 42.3, Debian 9, CentOS 7, Ubuntu 18.04)
- Intel i5 2.5 GHz
- desktop computer or notebook
- at least 4 GB main memory, we recommend 8 GB
- 200 MB free hard disk memory
- at least 1600 x 900 pixels screen resolution, we recommend 1920 x 1080 pixels
- at least 1 GB graphics memory, we recommend 2 GB
- OpenGL 2.0 (NVIDIA, AMD, Intel)
- stereoscopic 3D via OpenGL Quad Buffering only with a special graphics card (e.g. AMD FirePro)
Dornheim Segmenter Free

The free Basic Version is a comfortable application for segmentation of DICOM and 3D voxel data including the corresponding 3D model generation. Here you can download the free version. Install it and start experiencing 3D model generation from real data.
Windows (64 bit)
Linux (64 bit)
By downloading the installation file, you accept the terms and conditions and the terms of use.
For the first steps, the manual for the Dornheim Segmenter Modeler is available. These are identical to the first steps with the Dornheim Segmenter edition.
- System: Windows (at least Win 10), Mac (at least MacOS X 10.9), Linux (OpenSuse 15.0 and 42.3, Debian 9, CentOS 7, Ubuntu 18.04)
- Intel i5 2.5 GHz
- desktop computer or notebook
- at least 8 GB main memory
- 200 MB free hard disk memory
- at least 1600 x 900 pixels screen resolution, we recommend 1920 x 1080 pixels
- at least 2 GB graphics memory
- OpenGL 2.0 (NVIDIA, AMD, Intel)
- stereoscopic 3D via OpenGL Quad Buffering only with a special graphics card (e.g. AMD FirePro)